Why??? Why??? Would you start to carry a drugstore makeup line that affordable for ANYONE at select locations that is just plain ass STUPID!!!!
I want to purchase NYX but I don’t live close enough to Seattle to buy it but to be honest if I could afford live close to Seattle, I sure as hell wouldnt bother to get any of my makeup at Target as it would mean I could afford a MID LEVEL brand such as the cheaper brands inside a Sephora or something to be found at a fancy counter in a fancy department store (Macy’s).
Frankly Target I’m disappointed in you, I thought by now my local target would be carrying this brand. I guess till you start to carry a brand (NYX)  I would even actually purchase I’ll have to continue to dump my money into Sephora (for various brands) and Walgreens ( jordanna).
Oh ps anytime someone stops to ask me a makeup related questions when I stop by that area looking to see if your stocking NYX yet, I usually end up telling them to check out Sephora, Ulta and Walgreens before they should even consider buying anything in your store.