A while back in a sephora order I picked some perfume samples, actually I always pick perfume samples if they have them.
One if these samples ended up being this.


I tried to like it, I hear friends talk about D&G all the time, though I usually have no clue what they’re talking about I always just assumed purses and sunglasses(being a girl that wears glasses I don’t know shit about sunglasses and my fanciest purse is made by Chocolate New York). Anyway I digress, back to the perfume.
I tried it, I wanted to like it. I didn’t like it, the smell reminded me of old ladys in bedazzlwd track suits and old luggage pulled out of storage mixed together.
I did the only thing I could possibly do, I gave it to my older sister but I also told her how I felt about it, after all it could smell freaking awesome on her, it just didn’t mesh well with my chemistry.