With my Hello Kitty Wild Thing palette being so damned huge, I finally depotted the dang thing into something much much smaller.
Sadly I can’t really afford a Z palette or the Unii palette atm. Therefore thanks to the power of the interwebs I perused many blogs on the subject of Depotting most pointed to the Z palette which I found to be online only (I hate online only). Some pointed to the Unii palette also online…(have I mentioned I hate online only?) Some mentioned gift card tins, old aol tins, cd tins and empty cd jewel cases. Having a bunch of extra cd cases on hand (because I had a small case logic stolen from SUV) I decided to go this route.
Now I have much more room on my desk when I play with my colors!

Being a Virgo I also needed to label all the colors, yes this palette did name the colors. only for some odd reason they only listed them on the back of the box itself. If you threw out the box, you won’t find them listed on the tin.